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The far north has always been a place for free-spirited and strong people. It is the land of eternal frost, of mammoths and hunters, where survival means taking action and never giving up.


В древние времена на просторах современного Казахстана обитали племена «Саки-хаомоварги», которые были известны своим умением варить божественный напиток Хаома. Шло время и уникальный рецепт Хаома был утерян. С тех самых пор увлеченные люди настойчиво ищут его. Хаома – первая в Казахстане ЭКОводка, бренд № 1. Чарующая смесь лучших зерновых спиртов, природной минеральной воды и ароматных настоев из натуральных степных трав соединившись в особый рецепт стали находкой в поисках божественной Хаомы.

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About Barco

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Georgia is one of the richest countries with its hydrological resources according to its qualitative and quantitative indicators, and is the resource renewable in time. Among the hydrogeological resources fresh mineral and thermal waters are considered.


Origin and Quality of Water
Having secured its position at still mineral water market, the company decided to develop by launching production of sparkling water. The project was rather challenging because AQUA GEO’s first brand set a very high standard and the consumers’ expectations were corresponding. Having set the goal, AQUA GEO started implementation of the first stage of its project, which implied detection of a suitable spring and its surveillance.

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